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Women in Fort Worth experience trafficking and sexual exploitation every day. Trapped in cycles of abuse, addiction, and incarceration, many of them believe that they have no other options for survival.

However, we believe these women are worthy of the chance to rebuild their lives. Through Outreach, The Net offers unconditional love, friendship, and support to survivors of trafficking.


Through weekly jail outreach, we meet women who are incarcerated with a history of sexual exploitation. In a time when they may feel alone and forgotten, we share the message that they are seen, known, and loved.

“I have been arrested several times and every time the man or men involved were never even questioned. I wish more people knew that survivors typically feel there is no way out of the life they are in.” - Net Survivor Leader

At weekly survivor-lead support groups, women who have experienced any form of sexual exploitation can find a safe and supportive community.

“I am thankful for this safe space and community of other women I feel I can trust.”
- Net Survivor Leader

By getting involved with Outreach, you can meet survivors right where they’re at and offer unconditional love and support in a time when they need it most.

Due to the sensitive nature of this work, all of our advocate volunteer opportunities require attending a Volunteer Orientation as the first step to getting involved.

This upfront commitment will open you up to experiences that will change your life and the lives of survivors!

Please note, we do not consider ourselves “first responders” for trafficking. If you suspect a situation of trafficking or exploitation, please call the National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1 (888) 373-7888.

Instead, we aim to surround women with a community of support and empower them to rebuild their lives once they are not in crisis.

Make a Difference

Everyone has a role to play in the fight against trafficking. Whether you fund the movement with a monthly gift, grow your understanding of the issue at our Anti-Trafficking Summit, or get involved as an advocate, you can make a real difference in the lives of survivors.

Become an Advocate

Addressing trafficking and supporting survivors starts with a community volunteers, people just like you, who are ready to make a difference.

By attending one of our Volunteer Orientations, you will learn more about what trafficking looks like in Fort Worth and be equipped with the tools you need to get involved and make a difference.