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Anti-Trafficking Summit

Anti-Trafficking Summit

Our Anti-Trafficking Summit is a one-day conference designed to educate the community on the reality of sex trafficking. Our goal is to provide practical tools and skills for navigating conversations surrounding these issues.

As you hear from a keynote speaker, panelists, Survivor Leaders, and members of our team, you will leave feeling equipped in how to apply everything you learned to your everyday life.

Our Anti-Trafficking Summit is a one day conference to educate the community on specific trafficking related issues. Hear from our experienced staff, subject matter expert guest speakers, and other partners from the field. Our next summit will take place in early 2024. Sign up below to receive email notifications when the date is announced and registration opens!

2023 Schedule


9:30 AM - 12:00 PM | SESSION 1
The Net & Trafficking, Keynote from Kathy Givens, Demand Spotlight, Harms of Pornography from Dr. Gail Dines

12:00 PM | LUNCH

1:00 - 3:00 PM | SESSION 2
Breakouts, Survivor Leader Panel, Solutions & Next Steps

2023 speakers



  • This breakout session is designed to empower parents, teachers, and caregivers in navigating the challenges of raising children in the digital age. Subject matter experts and parents themselves, Dr. Vanessa Bouché, Aszia Pearson, and Melissa Ice will discuss the “why” and “how” of fostering healthy digital habits responsible technology use. Leave equipped with tools to support your child’s digital development and ensure a balanced and safe online experience for your family.

  • That smartwatch on your wrist. The shoes on your feet. The car you drive. Whether we realize it or not we have all purchased something because of an advertisement we saw that made us want it. Would it shock you to realize that this consumer experience plays out in much the same way for men who buy sex? Pornography is human trafficking's greatest commercial and in this breakout session, Joe Madison will explore the undeniable connections between Porn and Trafficking.



  • The Net’s Anti-Trafficking Summit is an awareness event designed for anyone who is interested in learning more about the reality of sex trafficking and the sex industry. This one day conference features a different topic and speakers each time.

  • No! Our goal for the Summit is to provide practical tools and skills for navigating our increasingly digital and hyper-sexualized culture. As you hear from a keynote speaker, panelists, Survivor Leaders, and members of our team, you will leave feeling equipped in how to apply everything you learned to your everyday life.

    Attending the Summit is not a commitment to volunteer. If you are interested in Volunteer Opportunities, you can click here to learn more.

  • The $60 registration fee includes breakfast, lunch, coffee, snacks, a swag bag, and a comprehensive Training Manual.

  • No, they are not refundable. If you are no longer able to attend, the cost is donated towards our anti-trafficking efforts. We do appreciate your letting us know if you are unable to make it so we can fill your seat!

  • The theme of our 2023 Summit is Online Safety, Parenting, and Pornography and features subject matter experts from across the country.

  • Once a year!

  • This event typically sells out a few weeks in advance so be sure to grab your tickets now or sign up to receive emails about early access registration if registration is not yet open.